
Sask TaekwondoTaekwondo-Do is a version of unarmed combat designed for the purpose of self-defense.  It is an “art” as well as a series of techniques because it also implies a way of thinking and of living.

Taekwondo-Do can be loosely translated. “Tae” stands for jumping or flying, to kick with the foot. “Kwon” means the fist, punching or destroying with the hand or fist.  “Do” means an art or way, the right way built and paved by the saints and sages of the past.  Together “Taekwondo-Do” indicates the mental training, the self-discipline and the techniques of unarmed combat for the purpose of self-defense.

Wrongly applied, Taekwon-Do can be a dangerous weapon.  Therefore, the mental training, self-discipline and a sense of right must always be emphasized to students.  The tenets of Taekwon-Do and the Students Oath are rules and guidelines which should be followed by each practitioner.

History Of ITF

ITF is the International Taekwon-Do Federation, founded on March 22nd, 1966, by General Choi Hong Hi, who developed Taekwon-Do, to promote the teaching of this martial art.

At that time, nine countries were involved: Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, West Germany, USA, Turkey, Italy, and Egypt. Taekwon-Do is now taught in almost every country in the world, and General Choi is recognized as the Father of Taekwon-Do.

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